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期待已久的2019UIA-霍普杯國際大學生建筑設計競賽題目新鮮出爐啦!Miralles Tagliabue EMBT創始人、普利茲克獎評委會成員貝娜蒂塔·塔格利亞布擔任本次競賽主席并擬定題目。

建筑師能以積極的方式改變環境并影響人們的未來, 他們可以創造“樂活空間”來為人們帶來幸福感。 在一個良好的環境中來實現這個目標會更加容易。 當建筑與其周邊環境緊密地聯系在一起、建筑的內外邊界變得模糊的時候, 場地的所有積極因素都可以幫助建立建筑內部的美妙氛圍。 但真正的挑戰在于, 如何反其道而行之, 通過建筑設計來為周邊帶來積極影響。

Architects can change people’s environment and influence their future in a positive way. They can create “happy spaces” that contribute to people’s well-being. Inserting a building in a nice environment makes this goal easier. When the building is linked to its surroundings,when the limits are blurred with the construction, all of the positive elements of the site can contribute to create this good feeling inside. But the real defy is how to do the opposite, how to influence in a positive way the surroundings through out the architecture?

在大城市, 缺乏辨識度的地方有很多, 它們往往與文化、歷史和傳統都割裂開來。 我們將這些孤立的、未融合的地區稱為“城市邊緣地帶”或者“城市衰退區”,

比如那些社會矛盾尖銳或是貧困的社區。 由于失敗的規劃或缺乏規劃, 這些地區通常是破碎的, 急需重建。 因此, 建筑師的任務就是要去了解這些地區的特征, 并為其創造獨有的“場所精神”, 通過挖掘消極區域內鼓舞人心并且吸引人的特質, 完成消極空間向積極空間的轉變, 在一個“不快樂的環境”中設計和建造一個“快樂的建筑”, 這樣的創造被定義為“樂活空間”。

Big cities often contain places that lack identity and whose existences are hardly linked with culture, history or tradition. These places are so-called “periphery” or “degraded” areas that remained isolated andun-integrated, such as neighborhoods with social conflict or poverty. They are often damaged and in need of reconstruction due to lousy planning or no planning at all. The architects’ mission is, there fore, to recognize the character of the site and create its ‘sense of place’. This creation looks into the transforming of negative spaces into positive ones by bringing out its inspiring and attractive qualities – this is defined as “happy spaces”, by designing and building a “happy building” in an “unhappy environment”.

要達到這個目的, 建筑應該與城市環境和周邊景觀和諧共生, 與人和歷史緊密聯系。 建筑不能脫離現狀環境和重大歷史事件。 一座與周邊環境相融合的建筑會形成一個有機體系, 而其中對人的考慮無疑是不容忽視的,


To that end, the building should be built in harmony with the urban context and its natural landscape, and should be in connection with people and history. Architecture can not be detached from the pre-existent context and significant past events. A building in relation to its context will form an organic system, and it is not possible to imagine such system without taking into consideration the people in it. This is significant as humanity is the heart of all systems.

除此之外, 人類活動也應該作為這個體系的關鍵部分來考慮。 因此, 建筑師不僅要設計能夠融合周邊環境的建筑形式, 還要提出與空間相對應的活動和功能。 對于建筑師來說, 能夠從各個維度上對建成環境有全面的愿景是非常重要的。

In addition, human activities should also be considered as a key part of the system. There fore architects are expected to propose not only the form of the building in relation to its surroundings, but also the activities and the programs associated in the space. It is important that architects should have a comprehensive vision for the built environment inevery dimension.

所有這些考慮須以一種真正生態性的方法來落地實施。 在建立一個人工生態系統時, 具有可持續性的建筑干預是最為理想的, 這種干預帶來的好處還可以同時為周邊社群帶來積極影響。 一個在各方面都負責的建筑干預絕不能僅僅考慮建筑內部的舒適性和使用者的身心健康, 更要考慮到一個區域的整體改善。

These considerations need to be conducted with a real ecological approach. A sustainable intervention should always come first when creating an artificial ecosystem. In this way, the beneficial forces made by the new intervention can also affect the surrounding neighborhood positively. A responsible intervention in all aspects should take into consideration an improvement of one area and not solely the comfort and wellness inside one building.

因此, 我們鼓勵學生在更大的背景下思考建筑,

從可持續性、社會性和歷史的角度, 把他們的建筑作品看作過去事物的總結以及改善未來的積極力量, 把居住環境看作與城市其他區域、景觀、氣候、物理和社會背景相融合的人工生態系統。 建筑師可以創造一個可持續的環境, 改善人們的身心健康。

For these reasons we would like to ask students to think about a building in its wider context. From the perspective of sustainability, sociality and history, students are encouraged to place their architectural projects as consequence of the past and as a contribution to the future, thinking the inhabited areas as interrelated artificial ecosystems in harmony with the rest of the city, the landscape, the climate, the physical and social context. Architects can create a sustainable environment that could improve the health and well-being of the people.


- 如何將建筑及其所處環境作為一個綜合性系統來設計;

- 如何通過建筑干預來改善一個地區;

- 如何融合建筑的內部和外部,以及融合建筑和周邊景觀;

- 理解場地及背景分析的重要性;

- 如何在非積極環境中建造一座快樂的建筑;


The competition is conceived as an exercise to help students understand:

- How to plan a building and its environment as a comprehensive system.

- How to improve a place through an architectural intervention.

- How to integrate inside and outside; the building and the landscape.

- Understand the importance of analysis of the site and context.

- How to create a happy building in a less happy environment.

Providing a project experience which teaches students about the social responsibility of an architectural project and how it can change people’s life in a positive way.

- Participants can choose sites in a degraded urban/ landscape area, preferably at the periphery (anywhere in the world). The site shall include construction area and surrounding area of the building.The student proposal should become aunit that can be imagined as a whole.

* A degraded area can be for instance an urban unstructured area, residual zones where urban planning didn’t arrive or didn’t have a positive effect, areas that remained un-integrated in a city/landscape, self-constructed neighborhoods. They can be areas that remained isolated, can be difficult neighborhoods, areas with social conflict or poverty, areas that have been damaged and need reconstruction, etc.They are places that are not attractive for the people or investors.

- It is compulsory that the context is existing, and participants shall define how their intervention can improve the quality, the value, the social life, the wellness and transform it into an attractive one.

- The surrounding area can vary in dimensions, but it has to guarantee the integration of the building with the surroundings. The participants should include a surrounding area that can create an ecosystem together with the building/ buildings itself.

- Participants can propose types of program or activity, but they should be mixed (at least 2 different functions). They have to propose the uses and program for the construction and for the surrounding area as well.

- The construction can have around 4,000㎡ but it is not restricted to this dimension. Any dimension is possible if it is justified.

- The proposal shall have the intention to improve the environment and bring benefits to the people living there.

- 建筑和周邊環境的融合。

- 設計方案的可持續性。

- 設計所帶來的社會效益以及對人們生活質量帶來的提升。

- Integration of the building with the landscape/context.

- Sustainability of the proposal.

- The social benefits of the proposal and how it can improve people’s life.



- 如何將建筑及其所處環境作為一個綜合性系統來設計;

- 如何通過建筑干預來改善一個地區;

- 如何融合建筑的內部和外部,以及融合建筑和周邊景觀;

- 理解場地及背景分析的重要性;

- 如何在非積極環境中建造一座快樂的建筑;


The competition is conceived as an exercise to help students understand:

- How to plan a building and its environment as a comprehensive system.

- How to improve a place through an architectural intervention.

- How to integrate inside and outside; the building and the landscape.

- Understand the importance of analysis of the site and context.

- How to create a happy building in a less happy environment.

Providing a project experience which teaches students about the social responsibility of an architectural project and how it can change people’s life in a positive way.

- Participants can choose sites in a degraded urban/ landscape area, preferably at the periphery (anywhere in the world). The site shall include construction area and surrounding area of the building.The student proposal should become aunit that can be imagined as a whole.

* A degraded area can be for instance an urban unstructured area, residual zones where urban planning didn’t arrive or didn’t have a positive effect, areas that remained un-integrated in a city/landscape, self-constructed neighborhoods. They can be areas that remained isolated, can be difficult neighborhoods, areas with social conflict or poverty, areas that have been damaged and need reconstruction, etc.They are places that are not attractive for the people or investors.

- It is compulsory that the context is existing, and participants shall define how their intervention can improve the quality, the value, the social life, the wellness and transform it into an attractive one.

- The surrounding area can vary in dimensions, but it has to guarantee the integration of the building with the surroundings. The participants should include a surrounding area that can create an ecosystem together with the building/ buildings itself.

- Participants can propose types of program or activity, but they should be mixed (at least 2 different functions). They have to propose the uses and program for the construction and for the surrounding area as well.

- The construction can have around 4,000㎡ but it is not restricted to this dimension. Any dimension is possible if it is justified.

- The proposal shall have the intention to improve the environment and bring benefits to the people living there.

- 建筑和周邊環境的融合。

- 設計方案的可持續性。

- 設計所帶來的社會效益以及對人們生活質量帶來的提升。

- Integration of the building with the landscape/context.

- Sustainability of the proposal.

- The social benefits of the proposal and how it can improve people’s life.

