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Geoff Fitzpatrick(澳大利亞)—07亞太建築室內設計高峰論壇嘉賓

Mr.Geoff Fitzpatrick

澳大利亞設計協會(DIA) 理事長 , 澳大利亞極具聲望和影響力的設計師。

Geoff Fitzpatrick先生是一個資深的專業傢俱設計師,擔任澳大利亞設計協會(簡稱DIA)的理事長,他曾是美國著名品牌BTR Nylex的首席設計師,在馬來西亞紡織公司管理階層任職五年,也擔任過澳大利亞商業傢俱公司的行銷總監,主導整個亞太地區的市場行銷他曾是CDe集團的總經理,是傢俱製造行業的專家在墨爾本的Monash大學發表過傢俱設計的演講.

Geoff Fitzpatrick

Design Institute of Astralia Director-National Design Strategy

Geoff Fitzpatrick is a trained furniture designer with wide industry experience. He was Chief Designer for BTR Nylex , Manager of a textile company in Malaysia for five years, Director of Marketing for a major Australian commercial furniture company [Innerspace] leading to a regional marketing role for Asia Pacific for Steeclcase International . He was formerly Group General Manager of CDe Group, a specialist manufacture of furniture for the hospitality industry and currently directs his Design Management, consultancy working with clients in the furniture sector, and in particular

Cubus, an Australian company focused on Australian design for the hospitality market. He is a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia and a member of the Hall of Fame, currently Victorian Council Treasurer and Director-National

Design Strategy. He lectures in Furniture Design at Monash University, Melbourne.
